Friday, February 11, 2011

Reminisce & Reflect

Learning isn't always achieved inside of a classroom.

I'll make this entry short and precise. What have I learned so far from taking ENGL-380? I will answer this question honestly: not a heck of a lot (sorry Heather), but that's not the point. I think, so far, that this class has surpassed my expectations and surprised me in a positive way. I've always considered "classroom learning" as extensive note-taking, cramming textbooks, mindlessly absorbing lecture material, and having forums for discussion about course content. To say the least, that is not what we're doing -- and I love it. It's been one of those classes that literally opens your eyes and allows you to conceive the world around you in an entirely different way. Whether it's hearing your classmates' perspective on areas of the city you've never been to, meeting local talent (such as the likes of Mr. Minister Faust or Hagen), or even looking at/listening to maps of other cities, 380 definitely increases your capacity to understand more about places you already know or want to go.

Personally speaking, the highlight of our last one month has been our visit from Malcolm Azania. It was utmost enlightening to hear from a man who has already established his writing career, and one who aspiring authors can almost immediately look up to. Reading about success stories on the internet is one thing, but hearing it directly from that person is another, and I find it inspirational to listen to such stories and advice. It's also really interesting to see just how much local talent there is in Edmonton, people that I'm sure a lot of us have never even heard of prior to this class.

I guess that the point I'm trying to get across is that I feel ENGL-380 serves as a bridge to expand our knowledge beyond a classroom setting, to get out and see the sights and discover things in our own backyard that we never knew was there. It's certainly not as boring, and a much more unique and engaging way to learn.


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