Friday, March 25, 2011

Edmonton: The Natural Side

I don’t think Edmonton receives enough credit for the abundance of natural spectacles it has.

If you ask any foreigner to the city what their first impressions are, or what their idea of nature here is like, it probably wouldn’t be anything significant.  The same could probably go for other major cities like Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver, etc.  If you haven’t actually been to or experienced these places for yourself, it’s hard to estimate how beautiful the scenery is.  When I think of Toronto, I envision a labyrinth of skyscrapers and apartments, pollution, and masses of people.  When I think Vancouver, I think of a beautiful coastline, Grandville Island, and for whatever reasons the color green (either because of nature or that it’s so damn expensive to live there).  When I think of Calgary, I just see cows roaming in fields and the hockey team which so many people here seem to despise.  Based on my “first impressions”, or things that first come to mind for me, you could either say it’s partially right or entirely false.  Nature-wise in Edmonton though, I’m sure people have a different sense for what it's like or what it means to them; some might say it’s a luscious paradise of natural scenery, and some might argue the contrary.

Edmonton, to me, just doesn’t seem like one of those places that would strike you as being a city full of natural beauty.  One of the more famous photographic captions of the city is probably the downtown skyline, as it’s usually always shown in commercials and often times for Hockey Night in Canada when there’s a game here.  I always thought of Edmonton as a purely business-type city primarily for that reason when I was younger.  However, if you move to Edmonton and end up living here for some extended period of time, it provides you with great opportunity to get out and explore, either to verify any pre-existing  assumptions you may have had or just find out something new in general.

I can say now that I’ve been living here for the better part of twelve years, there’s much more to the nature scene than I originally gave Edmonton credit for as well.  Besides the obvious along the River Valley or downtown by the High Level Bridge, there’s plenty that this city has to offer when it comes to nature and breathtaking views.

Here are a couple of my personal favorites in Edmonton:

Whitemud Creek Ravine: Who doesn’t enjoy a good bike ride through the woods in the summer?  It’s not exactly flourishing with life (as most of the trees seem to be past their prime) but it’s still beautiful nonetheless. There’s good trails down there that cross over the creek, lots of historical notifications (often times you’ll see plaques engraved onto a tree, a map, or a bench explaining its history there).  I’m not sure about this one either but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some beaver dams down there as well, otherwise it’s just a collection of wood/twigs that get caught up in the creek.  It’s a good way to get exercise, beat the heat, and get closer to nature.

Terwillegar Park: A park that is absolutely epic to those who know it, yet strangely enough not one that a lot of people I know have been to (perhaps it’s a sentiment reserved for people on the south side).  My first ever impression of the park, after you go down the massive gravel trail to the bottom of the road, was “wow, so this is what Jurassic Park was like…”.  Of course not everyone would be equally as impressed, but I think it’s pretty cool.  If you love dogs, it’s basically a dog haven in the summer time.  A lot of dog owners will bring them to run around in the open field or to cool off in the North Saskatchewan.  There’s also endless bike trails if that’s your thing.  It’s another one of those places that feels so secluded from city life, that while you’re down there you can completely separate any ties with the city and just imagine yourself in a controlled kind of wilderness.

What are some of your guys’ favorite places to go to experience nature in Edmonton? It’d be interesting to see how many local, natural hotspots there are based on where we all reside within the city.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Unprofessional, Uncertfied (and hopefully, but not guaranteed to be accurate) Guide to the City of Edmonton

You know you already have faith in my abilities to navigate this city. I'm not as bad as the title would suggest though (I just don't want to be responsible for getting anyone lost!). I've never viewed the city/town I lived in as a child with any significance whatsoever, so I will attempt to create a tourist guide for a prospective tourist.

If you’re coming to the City of Champions, there’s certainly no shortage of opportunity or places to explore here. There are endless possibilities to see and do things in Edmonton, so much in fact that it’s highly unlikely you would not find something that appealed to you. Even if you're the exact opposite of the Dos Equis guy and happen to be the most uninteresting person in the world, there are things for you to do here. Whether you’re into art, music, sports, shopping, entertainment, festivals and community activities, you’ll find all of that and more. Edmonton is one of those major cities that generally appeals to everyone (weather excluded) just because of how much there is to offer here.

Sports: Where to begin? We have teams in this city in the NHL, CFL, NLL, NAL, CIS, AJHL, etc. We’ve got hockey, football, lacrosse, baseball, more hockey, and more hockey. If you can’t afford $100+ tickets per seat to an Oilers game, there are games you can go to of lesser leagues for a fraction of the cost, and it’s still great hockey. The same thing can be said of many other sports that currently exist in Edmonton. After living in a small town for several years, it was, at the time, simply unfathomable to have so much access to semi-pro and professional sports leagues.

Arts: Although I’m not too familiarized with the art scene in Edmonton, anyone could tell you that there’s plenty of opportunity here also (perhaps someone could contribute a few places that I’m unaware of in the comments on this post). It’s not exactly art, but we’ve got the Muttart Conservatory (it has art in its name; good enough), which is an exhibit that’s basically infamous to locals for its uniquely shaped, glass pyramid style buildings, and the vast collection of plant species they have on display here. There’s also the brand new Art Gallery of Alberta, which if you thought Muttart was unique in its design, this place blows it out of the water. I’ve never been to it before, but, I can imagine that the works of art on display and other creations are a spectacle to behold for any traveler. Check it out. There’s also a very nifty website that I stumbled across with a directory of all the art exhibits/galleries in the city – just click on this link HERE.

Shopping: Prepare to file for bankruptcy. There are A LOT of shopping malls here. West Edmonton Mall probably being the most notorious of them all, formerly the largest mall in the world (we've been outdone by The Dubai Mall now though unfortunately). There's basically a shopping mall in every sector of the city that it would be absolutely absurd if you could not find a place to shop here. Southgate, Northgate, Mayfield, Kingsway, Riverbend Square, Londonderry, Bonnie Dune, the list goes on. If you've come from the small town life as I have, you would know that there was a time where if you wanted something you saw on a commercial, you would instinctively go online to purchase it on eBay or somewhere else - not in Edmonton.

Festivals: I don't even know how many happen in this city year-round, but I'm sure you'll need to a calculator to find out. If you like going to festivals and such, there's plenty to go to here. Taste of Edmonton, Winter Light, Edmonton Poetry Festival, Kiwanis Music Festival, Vocal Arts Festival, International Children's Festival, Dreamspeakers Festival, Improvaganza Festival, Edmonton International Jazz Festival, Freewill Shakespeare Festival, Capital Ex. There is simply not enough time on the clock to list all of them. You get the picture. There are festivals here for essentially anything you're interested in. The City of Edmonton website also goes into more specific detail on locations and times if you're curious about that.

All-in-all, the only factor in my mind that would deter anyone from seeing any, if not all of that listed above, would be the weather. It could potentially make your experience miserable. Possible side-effects of touring the city during intense snowfalls and cold spells: crying in a corner somewhere, running out of gas keeping your vehicle warm, depletion of financial resources buying winter gear and/or Tim Horton's coffee, and desperation to move anywhere but here. Once you get used to it it's not too bad though. Talk to any long-time Edmontonian for sympathy and expertise on the matter. Otherwise, get out there and have fun!


Friday, March 11, 2011



Not a lot has changed in the last month.  I mean this in an entirely good way.  It’s amazing how fast that this term has gone by, but time flies when you’re having fun, right? I’ve been having so much fun, that fun doesn't even know how much fun I've been having.  Sarcasm off.  It’s been pretty good though; I have no complaints.

My expectations going into this course were pretty low, as with most classes at first, but at the same time wasn’t really sure what to expect.  The thought of taking a class on local literature was definitely appealing, more so than a course on narrative theory or something, which I find stale and dreadfully boring (sorry if you enjoyed that class).  It definitely occurred to me that this could be worthwhile and very enjoyable at the same time, and so far it has been just that.

It’s nice when you can stroll into class with just a book or two and your head on your shoulders, not having to worry about imminent failure, or that your life is constantly on the line with impending exams, lab assignments and term papers.  When you subtract all of these things, ultimately, you have a less stressful student.  Students with reduced stress learn better, and it’s more fun to do so (in my honest opinion).  Needless to say, that doesn’t mean that this course isn’t challenging, it simply means that it’s a more laid back, down-to-earth environment that challenges you in ways to expand your horizons rather than get to the core of your intellect.

Hopefully this doesn’t sound like a course review so far. We’re not even done yet!

It sounds bad, but once again, I honestly haven’t learned that much, but for good reason.  I find that learning consists of remembering formulas, cramming endless information into your brain, writing highly technical papers, and you know how the rest goes.  You’re presented here with material from local people who are, or were once, just like you and I; trying to better understand ourselves and our surroundings as we grow and mature.  We gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the city we live in (unless at this point you still absolutely cannot find a reason to love this place, which is possible).  After hearing about the recent and horrific events that have just occurred in Japan, I am once again reminded just how fortunate I am to be living here.  I’d rather trek through mounds of snow in -40°C with snow shoes on to get around than throw on a bathing suit and swim through streets that were flooded by a tsunami.  Who would disagree?  This course certainly contributes to that appreciation.  


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Map Assignment

There it is. If you click on each node on the blog-sized map, it keeps shifting out of screen (sorry about that). The link at the bottom to the bigger one is probably better.

(Click HERE to enlarge map)


Friday, March 4, 2011

The Thirsty Traveler: Edmonton Edition

While this isn’t a trademark of Edmonton, or any place for that matter, nor is it something unique to this city, but traveling to various local bars/lounges/pubs is an interesting way to get yourself out-and-about.

It’s not so much of an alcohol induced epiphany that occurred to me the other day, but rather a post that Bevin made earlier in the term about coffee shops that got me thinking along the same lines.  She raised a point that going to local coffee houses is a good place to bunker down and write; a home away from home for those who simply cannot write at home (for numerous reasons).  I thought I’d take that a step further and use that as motivation for exploration.

Brewhouses and the likes, much the same as coffee shops, have peculiar environments about them, certain types of crowds and decoration, among other characteristics that appeal to our senses differently.  I’ve found that this experience is something unique to every region of the city.  I’m not the thirstiest traveler that ever was, but I do enjoy the frosty brew to cap off an academically stressful week, and I think most University students have been there so I might garner some familiarity from my readers.

The one thing that probably stands out the most to me is the people you’ll find at each place you go to, because the people you see most likely did not end up there by fate but rather a wilful choice.  Why did they make that choice?  Why here?  In my mind, it not only helps shape a vague definition of that person’s individual character, but also as an Edmontonian.  If you go to Boston Pizza’s lounge on a Saturday night, you’ll find youth and seniors alike, but not coincidentally, around 5PM when Hockey Night in Canada starts, which makes a subtle statement about everyone there and what type of lifestyle they enjoy.  If you go to RATT on a Friday afternoon, and it’s crowded with people from the University in a similar demographic and friends like you have, it’s a statement about them and how you can relate, being there at the same time and place.  If you visit a local bar around the corner from where you live, you might see familiar faces and people just trying to wind down and discuss the happenings of life, perhaps the same reason why you’re there.  Point in case, this exists simultaneously everywhere in the city, in every city, not just Edmonton, although I chose this topic because I believe it speaks volumes, literally, about the type of people you’ll see and meet in Edmonton.

Personally speaking, my favourite is probably “The Bend” here on the south side in Riverbend.  It’s great because it’s small, never too crowded, it’s local, there’s just enough televisions to make any hockey enthusiast satisfied, and ultimately the price is right.  Plus it’s close to my house: bonus.  You get to meet to some pretty cool people at times too, and hear their take on these places and the city in general.

I’d be curious to know what some of your local favourites are, and why it appeals to you.  I might have to check it out sometime.
